
ClassNK is registered as “Nippon Kaiji Kyokai General Incorporated Foundation” in accordance with applicable Japanese law. As ClassNK is a technically oriented, private foundation and its principal mission of ship classification serves the public interest, it is a non-profit foundation recognized as a general incorporated foundation (Ippan Zaidan Houjin) in Japan.

Administrative Council

The Council consists of representatives appointed from among shipowners, shipbuilders, manufacturers of marine machinery and equipment, and others concerned with maritime affairs, as well as other persons of relevant learning and experience. The Council deliberates on the election of Officers of the Society (both Directors and Auditors), revisions to the Articles of Incorporation, approval of the financial reports of the Society, and other matters as prescribed under applicable laws and regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation of the Society.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of Directors appointed by the Council. Amongst other things, the Board of Directors determines the work to be carried out by the Society, oversees the activities of the Directors, and performs other duties as prescribed under applicable laws and regulations of the Society.


Auditors are appointed by the Council. Auditors audit the execution of duties by the Directors and prepare audit reports in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee consists of Officers of the Society as well as representatives appointed from among shipowners, shipbuilders and manufacturers, producers of ship-use materials, as well as other persons of relevant learning and experience. It deliberates on various matters related to the establishment, revision, and abolition of rules regarding the classification and survey of ships.

Marine Committee

The Marine Committee consists of Officers of the Society as well as representatives appointed from among shipowners, various organizations, as well as other persons of relevant learning and experience. It deliberates on various matters related to the establishment, revision, and abolition of rules regarding the operation of ships.

Detailed chart of the organizational structure of ClassNK